Science in ECE
An article on Sarah Morgan and Geoff Fugle reflecting work done in ECE around Science.
March 2, 2022
Parihaka Tū Tonu!
Steadfast / Stand Firm Parihaka
Our aspirations for our children are that they have a strong belief in self, are happy, socially and emotionally competent and see themselves as change makers.
We aim to provide a welcoming, safe, happy environment where children can be engaged, challenged and lead in their learning.
We believe that high quality learning is reflected through our positive relationships with children and their whānau.
Our team are passionate, reflective, responsive practitioners; highly skilled to support children at all levels. Our uniqueness stems from our ability to celebrate diversity.
We embrace our natural environment and acknowledge our connection to our Maunga Parihaka and to those who have walked before us.
Ko Parihaka Parihaka
Tū tonu Stand steadfast
Tū kaha Stand with strength
Tū pakari Stand with integrity
Tū maia Stand with courage
Tū aroha Stand with love
Shelley, Christie, Fran, Kathy and Wendy are registered and qualified Early Childhood Teachers, each bringing with them their own special strengths and experience. Linda, our Administrator supports the team and kindergarten.
We are centrally located, half way up Parihaka. We welcome visitors at any time and invite you to call in and visit our kindergarten, meet our team and tamariki and spend some time with us.
We operate a split 40/30 roll, from 8.30am with 10 children that go home at 12.30pm and the remaining children stay until 2.30pm.
We operate an ALL-YEAR MODEL.
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 2.30pm We operate a split 40/30 roll, from 8.30am with 10 children that go home at 12.30pm and the remaining children stay until 2.30pm.
We are a Fees Free Kindergarten!